LED Lighting Blog

8 Ways to Winterize Your Office & Save Money

Posted by Electro-Matic on Nov 12, 2014 6:00:00 AM

Winter can be tough not only on people but on your homes and businesses. The last thing you want to be worrying about when the next winter storm hits is problem solving why your building is leaking costly heat and why your bills are so high. Here’s how you can start winterizing your office for the cold season.

Clean Out Your Gutters

Leaves, dirt and debri can gather in your gutters causing damage to your roof and downspouts. Making sure your gutters are clear before the winter hits helps to keep your office problem-free throughout the season.

Switch to Energy Efficient Lighting

Changing out your old, traditional lighting for energy efficient lighting will help to not only keep your energy costs down each month but also reduce how much you spent on maintenance.

Caulk Your Windows and Doors

Windows and doors can be a mystery avenue of heat loss and wintery drafts. Making sure your windows and doors are properly caulked will help to reduce the amount of energy you lose throughout the winter.

Plan Your Snow Removal

If you’re anywhere in the MidWest or beyond, snow is inevitable. The best step you can take is to make sure you have a plan of action in place for removing your snow from your parking lots and your rooftops, whether through a paid service or good old-fashioned hard labor.

Mind Your Thermostat

Be careful of what you set your thermostat to throughout the day and when people aren’t in the building. You can gain up to 5% energy savings by simply lowering your thermostat by 1°F between 60° - 70°F.

Insulate Your Heaters

If your office runs on an older water heater, you can minimize excess heat loss and save up to 10% on your water heating costs by wrapping it with an insulated jacket. But be careful to make sure to leave the air intake uncovered for gas water heaters.

Replace Filters

Replacing your furnace filters a minimum of two times a year can also help to save energy and keep your bills low. A simple, yet effective way to save.

Be Proactive

Once temperatures hit extreme lows, you should run both warm and cold water faucets with a low trickle or fast drip to ensure your pipes do not freeze.Increase Business Profitability Whitepaper

Topics: Business and Marketing, LED Lighting