LED Sign Blog

Financing Church LED Signs

Posted by Derek Klanke on Dec 14, 2016 2:00:00 PM

church-led-signs-1.pngLED Displays can have a high sticker price compared to traditional signage. However, they can also make a significant impact on your business and they are more affordable than alternative advertising mediums. A key piece to remember is that when you purchase an LED display for your church, it is a capital investment, meaning the purpose is to further your church’s objectives and goals. A frequent question with financing church LED signs is that with such a large investment, is there another way to pay for these projects without taking a lump sum out of savings?

Budgeting for Church LED Signs

Many of our existing customers were not aware of how affordable LED signs are compared to traditional advertising. After your church purchases an LED sign, you may find that your advertising budget decreases due to the effectiveness and the impactful ROI of your new LED sign.

Additionally, look at your monthly payment toward advertising expenses. Do you run ads in the newspaper, on the radio, or on TV? If yes, are they effective? If you are spending advertising money on ineffective ads, you are wasting time and money. According to the SBA (Small Business Association), electronic message centers cost $0.15 per thousand of impressions (CPM)—compare that price to TV ($6.26 CPM), radio ($5.47 CPM) and newspapers ($7.39 CPM). Understanding how LED signs are an affordable, effective advertising medium can noticeably change how your church outreaches to the community.

Third Party Financing for LED Signs

We are seeing more and more of our customers using third party financing companies to help solidify their investment. There are all sorts of options that can be used to help finance your LED project. Finance companies allow our customers to finance their project for up to five years at a very low interest rate. Often times we see that they will finance the sign for five years at a zero interest rate for the initial three years.

LED displays can be a great choice for churches. Many new projects can require expensive investments, but with a financing company to help, your church can afford a small monthly payment up to five years for an LED sign. Conduct some research on different financing companies to get the most lowest interest rates. Find a financing company that will eliminate interest rates for a set amount of years.

With the right plan and partners in place, financing church LED signs will be a cinch and your church can reap the outreach benefits that an LED sign has to offer.

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Topics: Electronic LED Sign, Churches and Places of Worship, LED Displays