LED Sign Blog

5 Sales Tools For Every Sign Company

Posted by Electro-Matic on May 24, 2016 6:00:00 AM

sales tools for sign companiesEvery sign company needs specific strategies in order to improve sales, brand recognition, and customer experiences. Outlined below are five sales tools for sign companies that every sign company should consider implementing.

1. A Great Sign to Showcase Sign Company Capabilities

One of the best sales tools every sign company needs is a great sign for themselves. Whether your customers will see you at your location or not, this is a critical piece of how you’ll make first impressions. If your customers don’t typically travel to your location, display a photo of your sign on your website. Your company’s sign should be well designed and attractive in order to showcase your sign company’s capabilities.

2. Easy-to-Navigate Website

In this digital age, most of your potential customers will go to the internet first when looking to purchase a sign. Your sign company’s website should be one of your top sales tools with information on signs you sell and how to select a sign based on various needs. Create a photo gallery of signs you have manufactured or installed. Keep you site current by adding photos of recently completed signs, and positive customer testimonials.

3. Quality and Dependable LED Sign Manufacturer

Partnering with the right LED sign manufacturer is key to your success in selling LED signs. Choose a manufacturer that has a minimum of 5 years building LED signs and is ISO 9001 certified. ISO certification documents assembly and quality standards with annual outside third party audits. Your manufacturer should also have 24-7 technical support. For more on this subject, read Key Points to Consider when Specifying a Manufacturer of LED based Electronic Message Centers.

4. LED Sign Leasing Availability

The number one objection to purchasing new signage is affordability. Offering your customers sign leasing and financing options that enable the sign to be paid off over a longer period of time will help close sign sales. If you do not have a leasing company, contact your LED manufacturer for suggestions.

5. Sign Association Benefits

Joining your local sign association is another great sign sales tool! Listed below are some benefits that come with a membership in a local sign association:

  • Regulatory support with local and state governments
  • Educational seminars, industry presentations, and safety seminars
  • Newsletters that report on local, state, and national interest of industry events
  • Safety and operational tips
  • Business and financial news
  • Sign code assistance
  • Tabletop trade show & and networking events

Be sure to implement these sales tools for sign companies when evaluating your sales process. Your sign company will start to see the benefits of these sales tips in both sales revenue and customer satisfaction.

How to Close More Sales for Your Sign Company


Topics: Business and Marketing, Sign Companies, LED Displays

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