The Leader Dogs for the Blind in Rochester, Michigan was under a 14.5 million dollar renovation to upgrade the whole facility. The new building allows for the best living and learning environment for the dogs. The upgrade to the veterinary clinic will also allow for the best care to be given to the canines by adding 35% more space and new technology.
The Leader Dogs for the Blind focused on improving their facilities and their image. With their now state of the art facility, inside and out, it was appropriate to include an upgrade to their signage. Their previous LED sign from Electro-Matic was a monochrome, one line LED display. They decided to reach out to Electro-Matic again to upgrade their signage to match their new facility upgrades.
"We are very happy with the attention we receive from our new 16mm, full-color LED display. It gives us a lot of flexibility in design. Our new sign is much more visible than our old monochrome sign and gives us more ability to capture the attention of ongoing traffic."-Rachelle Kniffen, Leader Dogs for the Blind
The partnership with Gardner Signs and Leader Dogs for the Blind made this project possible. Electro-Matic Visual is happy to see Leader Dogs for the Blind creating and displaying great content that helps bring more attention to their business.