LED Lighting Blog

How LED Wireless Lighting Will Reduce Your Operating Expenses

Posted by Electro-Matic on Jan 28, 2016 9:44:14 AM

LED Lighting is becoming more popular for auto dealers, manufacturing plants, gas stations, and municipalities. Why? LED Lighting will increase safety, visibility, security and reduce operating cost, all while being virtually no maintenance.  

LED Lighting Goes Wireless

WattStopper a Legrand Company has created the wireless BULIT® (Basic Utility Light Intelligent Transceiver) controller. The BULIT’s® ability goes far beyond the original scope of being installed in outside parking lots to being able to control and monitor any light or piece of equipment that uses electricity. 

How BULIT® Works With LED Lighting

LED Wireless Lighting Wattstopper

The plug and play style of the BULIT® makes the installation easy whether or not the fixture or equipment is existing or new. The BULIT® works off of a standard 7 pin receptacle and can either be installed on every piece of equipment or installed first in line in a circuit. This illuminates the need to break up circuits and install multiple controllers that were standard with the wired controls of the past. 

Wattsopper LED Wireless LightingThe genius behind the BULIT®, unlike most of the other wireless communication on the market today, is that the BULIT® maintains its logic with or without communication to the wireless controller gateway. This internal, programmable memory gives the BULIT® the ability to operate the lights on the written schedule and record the electrical data coming in and out. This makes these types of controls as reliable as the time meters and photocells that they are going to be replacing is essential for consumers to adopt this kind of technology. 

Check out an In-depth Case Study of LED Wireless Lighting installed at an Auto Dealership 

Ensuring Your Return on Investment

On a recent car dealership project in Caro Michigan, the Electro-Matic team installed 30 of these BULIT® controllers on individual parking lot lights along with 7 strategically placed occupancy sensors. By providing this level of advanced scheduling and individual fixture control, the Electro-Matic team was able to give the customer more energy management by allowing them to dim their lights based on a schedule working with the occupancy sensors to bring up section back to full power when tripped. This function allows the energy saved from dimming not to interfere with customers that want to shop after hours. 

Getting The Most Out of Your Investment

LED Wireless Lighting ExampleAdded Security

Along with the energy savings, the added occupancy gives an added line of security to the lot. The occupancy sensors that were installed along the back send an email notification to the owners giving them the opportunity to look at their security cameras. 

Low Maintenance

Once a week, the Integrator publishes a new schedule for the BULIT® based on changing sun rise and sun set times and then they’re done with communication to the integrator. The only time it needs to communicate with the front-end again is when it needs to report a status or if an issue comes along, like a bulb outage or security problem. 


To show the scalability of the BULIT®, an American car manufacturer has made the BULIT® the standard controller on their exhaust fans in their facilities. The BULIT’s® platform allows the controller to site their existing network with little additional programming. The BULIT® does not only turn the fans on and off but monitors their power draw to ensure that the fans are operating in an acceptable threshold. 

The Potential Savings LED Lighting Produce

Brian Turner of control trends runs shows how the slightest changes in scheduling and dimming can have a huge impact on the internal value of the project. He estimated a cost per node at $220 for 320 lights. Then he added a database front-end cost of $22,000 and another $20,000 for labor. Program a 45-minute off-set for the light’s run time, the customer would see a 2.3 year payback. When we turn off half of the lights for 5 hours each night the return drops to 1.1 years with an annual savings of $97,227. The pressure to reduce operating cost and lessen the demand on our existing power plants stays at the front as a major issue facing companies today.

Turner, Brian. "More on Wireless Lighting Controls-Viable Options from WattStopper." Control Trends. N.p., 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 25 Nov. 2015.

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