LED Sign Blog

Meet EM Visual's Product Line Manager, Brandon Bender!

Posted by Electro-Matic on Mar 12, 2024 9:47:40 AM

Employee Spotlight_Brandon Bender

We want you to get to know Electro-Matic Visual Team member, Brandon Bender

Where did you grow up?

"I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and currently living in Downtown Chicago."

How long have you worked for Electro-Matic?

"I started as a regional sales manager at Electro-Matic in 2017 and was promoted in 2024."

What is you job title and what are your responsibilities?

"I am a Product Line Manager and work with our vendors, product innovation, scoreboards, and billboards."

Fun fact/hobby(ies):

"I enjoy trying new restaurants, attending concerts, and of course love playing golf."


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