LED Sign Blog

Meet EM Visual's Tech & Field Support Manager, Mike Riker!

Posted by Electro-Matic on Sep 12, 2023 1:36:36 PM

Employee Spotlight_Mike Riker

We want you to get to know Electro-Matic Visual Team member, Mike Riker! 

Where did you grow up?

Redford, MI

Where did you go to school?

Redford Union High School and then Schoolcraft College for my Associate

How did you start working at Electro-Matic?

After working at Bank of America for 12 years, John Skope, another Electro-Matic employee, reached out about a tech support position. The job was a godsend. I've now been with Electro-Matic for nearly 8 years. Thanks, John!

What is your job title and what are your responsibilities?

My job title is Tech & Field Support Manager. I try to be honest and fair, and put people first. My role is to train tech support, schedule service, make sure replacement parts are getting shipped on time, troubleshoot product issues in the field, help with some R&D, and other various things.

Fun fact/hobby(ies):

I am a musician. I play drums, sing, a little piano, guitar, and bass. I’ve been playing as long as I can remember. Nowadays, I mainly just play at church. I also love playing golf. However, I am a father of three, so that rightfully takes up a lot of my time.


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