LED Sign Blog

Top 10 Selling Points of LED Signs

Posted by Alan Nicholson on May 10, 2016 6:00:00 AM

LED Signs (or Electronic Message Centers) are becoming more prevalent than ever. Years ago there were just a handful of amber orange colored signs that read only the time and temperature. Today, they are being used by just about every type of business—billboards, restaurants, schools, and churches are just a few of early adopters of the LED sign technology. It’s obvious that LED signs are here to stay, but why are they becoming so popular? Take a look at these top 10 selling points of LED signs:

1. Convenience of LED Signs

Enjoying all four seasons in beautiful Michigan has its perks. But updating a changeable copy sign in the dead of winter is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. Aside from dealing with the harsh conditions, you’re also using valuable work time that could be spent elsewhere. Use an LED sign and free up your time (and prevent frostbite) with just a few clicks from the warmth of your home or office. Consider the improved safety since using ladders won’t be necessary.

top selling points of led signs

2. LED Signs Differentiate from Competition

In today’s competitive environment you need to stand out. Creative sign messaging is a great option for differentiating yourself and another key selling point of LED signs. Don’t limit your messaging to simply the latest sale or showing the date, time, and temperature. How about cheering on the local football team? Or recognize an employee of the month? Think outside the box and notice the positive reaction from your audience.

3. LED Signs are Extra Sales People

Imaging hiring a salesperson who will work for you 24/7/365 for less than $3/day. Now imagine that same salesperson didn’t require training, never called in sick, and told your customers exactly what you wanted every time. That is what LED Signs offer—they’re always on and always working to boost your sales.

4. LED Signs are More Affordable than You Think

Consider the investment cost of these signs stretched out over the life of the product (well over 10 years if installed and maintained well). This article released by the SBA breaks down the cost for various forms of advertising and compares them to EMCS.

5. Audience Always See LED Sign Messaging

What happens to your newspaper ad when your customer puts the weekly ad directly in the trash? Or if they aren’t on the right radio or TV station? Your hard-earned advertising dollars are used up and you’ve just missed your customer! With a message center, you can rest assured you’ll grab the attention of a driver (and the passengers) with an eye-catching message.

6. Cost-Effectiveness of LED Signs

Think of this from a retail center’s point of view. Tenants may can come and go from the retail center, but the message space is there to stay. Rather than invest in a new sign you can simply update your messaging. Plus, an LED Sign gives your tenants more ways to advertise and promote their business. This means more features and benefits for your tenants, which equates to higher rent dollars for you.

7. LED Signs Allow for More Messaging in Less Space

Many townships and municipalities limit the size of your sign along the road. LED signs allow you to communicate your message in a smaller space. No need to prioritize which message is most important. Most manufacturers’ software even has a scheduling feature in the software that allows you to pre-schedule messages for certain days of the week, time of day, seasons, etc.

8. LED Signs are Partially Tax Deductible

New signage such as an LED Sign qualifies as a business equipment upgrades. Read Section 179 to see for yourself. This deduction allows for you to write a significant amount of your purchase in the same year. Any equipment purchased or financed in 2015 for your business can be used toward this huge tax deduction. To give you an estimate of how much money you can save, search Section 179 Tax Deduction Calculator. Make sure to meet with your accountant so they can help you get the most out of your money and equipment.

9. Lease Programs make LED Signs Affordable for Many

Many LED Sign manufacturers or sign companies offer leasing programs, which allow you to pay for the LED sign over time. This gives you flexibility in your cash flow so you can invest in other areas.

10. LED Signs Return On Investment

The ROI of LED Signs is the most compelling selling point. According to The Small Business Association, business owners consistently experience an uptick in business…most can expect to see an increase between 15%-150%. Want to know the ROI of a digital sign for your organization? Use our LED Sign ROI Calculator.

Be sure to utilize these selling points when discussing LED signs with your customers. Whether your customers are looking for new ways to reach the local community, save time, or attract more customers, few products are proven to be as effective as LED Signs. If you have questions, visit Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, or call us at 248-478-1182.

How to Close More Sales for Your Sign Company

Topics: Business and Marketing, Sign Companies, LED Displays

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