LED Sign Blog

What Resolution LED Sign Do I Need?

Posted by Electro-Matic on Jun 8, 2021 3:11:00 PM


LED signs are used more frequently today because of their ability to generate awareness and attract attention to businesses. You may have been thinking that all LED signs are the same, however, there are many different aspects to LED signs and each measure has to be correct to make the sign readable and effective. An LED sign is a big purchase and it is important to acquire the correct size so it generates a positive return on investment for your company. This LED sign resolution guide will help you to find the perfect sign to meet your needs.

Determining the Resolution of Your LED Sign

visual-blog_pixel-resolutionBefore determining which size or resolution to purchase, you need to know the differences LED signs can have. Each sign has a different pitch, or pixel pitch, as we like to call it, which is the distance between the center of one LED to the next. The smaller the pixel pitch, the better the resolution will be. The matrix, or dimensions of each sign are also different. The matrix is measured by how many pixels tall to how many wide the sign is.

There are many factors that have to be taken into account when choosing a sign resolution such as the distance between the viewer and the sign and travel speed of the viewer. It is important to match the pixel pitch and matrix size to each circumstance to ensure the perfect sign.

Highway Billboard LED Sign Resolution

billboard-2When purchasing a highway billboard LED sign, the most important factor is the distance from the viewer and traveling speed. A large enough sign must be purchased to ensure the content on the sign is viewable from 140 ft. away from or more. The sign should have a pixel pitch of 26mm and a matrix of 36x72 to ensure the sign is readable from a far distance and at highway speeds of 40+ mph.

Storefront signs

EF9T4210A storefront sign could be considered anything from a restaurant sign on the side of the road telling viewers what specials they have going on, or a sign in front of a school showcasing their name, or important dates.

Storefront signs require different dimensions and resolutions than a highway billboard. The viewer is much close to a storefront sign, and is traveling much slower. The effective size for a storefront sign would be a pitch of 20mm and a matrix of 48x96. The minimum character size is 4”, ensuring the sign is readable from up to 300ft away and 15+ mph.

Indoor LED displays

Knox Community HospitalIndoor LED signs can be used in many instances. For example, airports use LED signs to showcase flights’ departures and arrivals, or schools use them inside to send their students messages throughout the day.

Indoor LED signs require even different dimensions compared to highway billboards and storefront signs. The viewer is much closer to the LED sign and is moving at a much slower speed. A 10mm resolution can be viewed from up to 120ft. away and can have a minimum character height of 2”.

The pixel pitch and matrix size can make or break the effectiveness of your sign. When choosing the proportion, do not forget the two key factors that determine the readability of your sign. Viewer distance from the sign and traveling speed are extremely important when considering the right LED sign resolution. As LED signs become an essential part of businesses, make sure yours is the most effective and reaches your goals.

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Topics: Choosing a Sign, LED Displays

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