LED Sign Blog

Choosing the Right Size of LED Sign for Your Church

Posted by Billy Brookhart on Jan 10, 2017 2:18:00 PM

church led signs Church LED Signs play a vital role to communicate times of services, schedule of events, and other relevant community happenings. LED signs at churches not only communicate a message to people driving by, but they’re often the first impression for many visitors. Having the correct LED sign size is more important than you realize. There are many different options to think about when choosing the right size of LED sign for your church.

Permitting Size Restrictions for LED Signs

Knowing your city’s policies on signage is very important before determining the size of display for your church. Cities often can have size restrictions that will determine how big your LED sign can be—those restrictions will determine the maximum square footage allowed for your sign.

What’s the Goal of Your LED Sign?

LED signs come in various shapes, sizes, and offer different features. The goal of your LED sign will determine which sign is best for your church. If you want your sign to have basic text that you can change whenever you want with a couple of clicks, simple LED sign options are available. Picture and video LED signs are also great options for churches and other organizations who want to be able to catch more attention with their sign. If videos are not necessary, a small-sized LED sign will likely be your best choice. However, if displaying videos is an important feature to include, your church will want to consider medium and large size LED signs.

What’s the Amount of Text Needed for Your Church's LED Sign?

Picture 019.jpgChoosing the size of your church’s LED sign will largely depend on how readable you need your sign to be from far away. Consider how many lines of text will be needed, and how large the font size should be for it to be readable from a road or sidewalk. Measure how far away your sign is from where the majority of people who will be reading your sign. Can the passing drivers read it? Can the people walking by read it? On top of those questions you have to ask, “will the people passing by notice it?”

What’s the Traffic Speed by Your LED Sign?

As mentioned above, you need to look at how fast people are traveling by your sign. Are they driving? If so, how fast? Are they reading it off the highway or are they driving casually through a downtown area? Traffic speed will determine how big or small your text should be and ultimately how big or small your church’s LED sign should be.

How Far Away is Your LED Sign From the Road?

Take into consideration how far away your church’s LED sign sits from the road when determining the LED size you need. For obvious reasons, if your sign is far away from the road and displays small letters, people won’t notice it, and definitely won’t be able to read it—that’s a valid reason to invest in a larger sign.

Is Your LED Sign On a Monument Structure or A Pole Sign?

Placing your LED sign on a monument structure or a pole sign will play a factor on the necessary size of the sign. The biggest determining factor on the size of the sign will be whether or not the monument or pole will be able to hold the weight of the LED sign. Depending on the size of your sign, you may need a bigger monument structure or pole to support the weight.

What's the Budget for the LED Sign?

At the end of the day your budget plays a big role in what is an appropriate LED size. The ROI on LED signs are proven to be great, but with every good business decision, a budget often guides the final decision.

If you’re looking for an LED sign for your church or organization, contact Electro-Matic! Choosing the right size of LED sign for your church is an important decision, and with years of experience under our belt, we can help you make the right choice.

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Topics: Electronic LED Sign, Churches and Places of Worship, LED Displays

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