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Billy Brookhart

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10 Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Posted by Billy Brookhart on May 23, 2017 2:00:00 PM

Every small business has hit a point of stagnation, where you decided to explore the options to expand their market. Whether or not this is your current situation, here are 10 marketing ideas for small business.

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Topics: LED Displays

Choosing the Right Size of LED Sign for Your Church

Posted by Billy Brookhart on Jan 10, 2017 2:18:00 PM

Church LED Signs play a vital role to communicate times of services, schedule of events, and other relevant community happenings. LED signs at churches not only communicate a message to people driving by, but they’re often the first impression for many visitors. Having the correct LED sign size is more important than you realize. There are many different options to think about when choosing the right size of LED sign for your church.

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Topics: Electronic LED Sign, Churches and Places of Worship, LED Displays

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