Winter can be tough not only on people but on your homes and businesses. The last thing you want to be worrying about when the next winter storm hits is problem solving why your building is leaking costly heat and why your bills are so high. Here’s how you can start winterizing your office for the cold season.
Topics: Business and Marketing, LED Lighting
Ford Motor Company Set to Invest Millions to Switch to LED Lighting
As innovative bodies begin to adopt LED technology as part of their infrastructure, both big and small organizations are beginning to see the extensive, positive financial and environmental effects that LED lighting can have. Recently, one of those global organizations - Ford Motor Company - announced that they would be joining the LED ranks in updating their florescent and high-energy output lights with new energy efficient LED lighting.
Topics: Going Green, LED Lighting
U. S. Cities Reaping Benefits From LED Streetlight Conversions
The development of LED luminaires suitable for all climates, combined with the lower cost of LEDs, has led to a surge of LED street light replacement projects across the nation. In the process, a lot of data have been generated through studies, testing, and side-by-side comparisons with High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lamps, the incumbent technology.
Topics: Going Green, LED Lighting
College is meant to be a time to grow as an individual, develop specialized knowledge and expertise and start the process of becoming a working adult. But these great adventures usually don’t come without a risk or cost. As the number of college students grows, so does the size of campus and the need for improved safety measures. That's where LED lighting comes in. LED lighting technology can create a more pleasant and safe environment for students, while also giving colleges major savings on their utility budgets.
Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting
Contrary to traditional lighting sources, such as florescent lights, LED lighting is designed to serve your business exactly how it is. LED retrofitting has bridged the gap between current lighting infrastructure and premier lighting sources by giving businesses a way to gain the benefits without having to reinvent their current lighting systems. Although it sounds like a great idea, many people aren’t sure if it would work for their business. Whether you’re looking for savings on your business expenses or a better way to welcome customers, here’s how LED retrofitting can help your business.
Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting
Energy savings and job creation have been two, very hot topics of conversation lately. In the advent of moving towards a more sustainable and “green” society with energy-saving technology like LED lighting, a new and emerging connection has been formed between the two. Recently we’ve started to see a new pattern of how growth and adoption of LED lighting has become a direct and indirect key player in the development of job opportunities around the country.
Topics: Electro-Matic LED, LED Lighting
Switch to LEDs & Save 15% with the DTE Energy Michigan Made Bonus
While there is no question that LED lighting is becoming more affordable seemingly every day, making the switch is still a hefty, long term investment for many businesses. Ensuring the quickest possiblereturn on this investment requires significant research, calculations, and often consulting from an expert in the industry. Here at Electro-Matic LED Lighting, we strive to help our clients understand their options so they can utilize all of the grants, incentives, and other opportunities available to them. One incentive that many businesses we work with in Michigan can benefit from is the DTE Energy Michigan Made Bonus, which was designed with the goal of rewarding businesses who use products made in Michigan to improve the energy efficiency of their organizations.
Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting
How LED Retail Lighting Can Enhance Customer Experience
There are so many elements that can make a difference in the success of a brick and mortar business, even down to the simplest of choices like lighting. Although easily overlooked, lighting can play a major role in creating an atmosphere that not only brings customers in but retains them. In more recent times, big brand like Starbucks are making the jump into LED lighting because of the positive effects it can have on both customers and overall profit. Here are a few ways that LED retail lighting can help you enhance customer experience.
Topics: Business and Marketing, LED Lighting
Whether you're a large, international corporation or a small brick-and-motor shop, every business has the ability to become more sustainable. A simple upgrade of supplies or a few conscious choices to purchases "green" products can make a big difference. Here are some ways your business can become a more self-sustaining operation.
Topics: Going Green, LED Lighting
The benefits of LED lights range from decreased energy costs and reduced maintenance expenses to better lighting quality and increased lifespan. As a result of the many benefits, cities and municipalities across the country are opting to invest in LED street lighting. Below you will find a few cities who are pioneering LED for municipal applications.
Topics: Going Green, LED Lighting