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Alicia Martinez

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10 Questions to Ask Before a Commercial Lighting Retrofit

Posted by Alicia Martinez on Jun 1, 2017 2:00:00 PM

A major lighting upgrade can have obvious benefits, but still warrants a small amount of analysis before committing to the upgrade. Before a commercial lighting retrofit or upgrade, ask yourself the following 10 questions to give you some metrics of success of the upgrade.

What Is the Purpose and Condition of the Current Lighting?

A general walk through your site and taking some notes is a great start to the process. Each area may have different purposes as well as OSHA requirements

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Topics: LED Lighting

Do I Qualify for LED Lighting Incentives?

Posted by Alicia Martinez on Jan 19, 2017 2:00:00 PM

Many incentives have been created in the last decade to encourage homeowners and business owners to make the switch to more energy efficient lighting. However, many people have a challenging experience finding and fully taking advantage of available rebates that come with making the switch to energy-efficient lighting. Use the tips below to learn if you can qualify for LED lighting incentives, and how to take advantage of them.

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Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting

Benefits of Modular LED Lighting and Design

Posted by Alicia Martinez on Jan 12, 2017 2:09:00 PM

Modular design, or "modularity in design", is purposely designing a particular process that can be broken down into smaller parts or sections and can be integrated into different systems or can be created individually.

A modular design creates a reduction in cost and allows you to be more flexible in design. Having modular design benefits you by lowering your costs because of minimal customization and shorter time needed to become familiar with the products. Modularity offers other benefits such as augmentation (adding new solution by merely plugging in a new module), and exclusion. One useful application of modular design is with modular LED lighting.

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Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting

5 Lighting Retrofit Solutions Provided By Energy Savings Companies

Posted by Alicia Martinez on Aug 4, 2016 2:00:00 PM

In order for energy-savings companies to offer clients recommended energy-efficient measures, they must first have a basis of research for their recommendations. Follow this simple 10-step process to offer clients solid retrofit solutions.

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Topics: LED Lighting

Financing Energy Efficiency Projects

Posted by Alicia Martinez on Feb 24, 2016 6:00:00 AM

Financing options for energy-efficient upgrades and projects have been few and far between the last several decades. However, that is starting to change as of lately. Below you'll discover how you can overcome a lack of budget or present cash to progress with your proposed energy efficiency project. 

Lack of budget is the number one reason energy efficiency projects don’t get approved.

Energy efficiency projects require upfront investments, which many business owners have not budgeted. As a result, many projects don’t move forward due to lack of available capital, despite often-impressive ROIs and short payback periods. 

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Topics: Business and Marketing, LED Lighting

How to Solve America’s Energy Crisis by Using LED Lighting

Posted by Alicia Martinez on Sep 21, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Today, our nation is facing the urgent challenges of revitalizing our economy, strengthening our energy security, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Like most people I know, I have tried to do my small part to break down those challenges. I recycle/re-purpose as much as possible and work hard at my job so I can pay my bills, provide a home for my family, and save for my daughter’s education and my golden years. Sometimes, I may even have a little bit left over to have some fun — I try to spend the extra bucks locally.

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Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting

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