Electro-Matic Visual Blog

TDO Advertising and Electro-Matic Visual Install Digital Billboard in Toledo

Posted by Electro-Matic on Dec 7, 2022 1:06:59 PM

Founded in 2015, TDO Advertising is one of the fastest growing outdoor advertising companies in the Toledo area. With more than 90 displays in high traffic areas, TDO Advertising offers advertisers a variety of bulletin (or static printed), and digital billboards helping both local businesses and national brands reach their audiences.

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Topics: LED Displays

10 Sign Company Business Marketing Ideas

Posted by Electro-Matic on Dec 6, 2022 6:00:00 AM

If you are like the sign dealers I visit every day, you probably want one these three things: more profitable business, more time, or more help. Unfortunately, lack of time often restricts you from finding the other two. With business owners like you in mind, here are 10 simple and inexpensive sign company business marketing ideas that will lead to better sales:

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Topics: Business and Marketing, Sign Companies, LED Displays

Freshwater Digital & Electro-Matic Provide 4K LED Videowall to Grand Rapids Airport

Posted by Electro-Matic on Nov 14, 2022 3:14:56 PM

Gerald R Ford International Airport is the second busiest airport in Michigan with over 3.6 million people having traveled through it in 2019. They offer 140 nonstop flights a day to 34 popular destinations. Flying with Gerald R Ford means you spend less time driving to big city airports, waiting in big city lines, paying big city premium parking costs, and dealing with big city traffic headaches. 

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Topics: LED Displays, Airports

Fabiano Brothers Installs 250 LED High Bay Lights to Improve Facility

Posted by Electro-Matic on Oct 24, 2022 4:10:00 PM
Fabiano Brothers of Bay City, MI is a premier beverage distributor providing licensed accounts beverages throughout Michigan as well as central Wisconsin. This 100,000 square foot is located in Bay City, Michigan that includes beer storage space, receiving area, larger recycling center, and offices. Fabiano Brothers wanted to implement an efficient light source throughout their whole facility to increase security, reduce operating cost, and improve working conditions. Electro-Matic Visual was up for the task.

Electro-Matic Visual supplied the 250 indoor LED high bay lighting throughout the Fabiano Brothers facility. The high quality LED lighting fixtures and bulbs ensure for a long life period of over 100,000 hours to reduce maintenance costs, increase safety and increase energy savings.

“The LED lighting is certainly an improvement in the quality of light. We were able to realize $34,000 in savings on our overall electric bill for the less than full year that we had the LED lights and this takes into account any rate increase from the utility supplier.” – Jerry Witte, CFO, Fabiano Brothers

Not only does Fabiano Brothers see energy savings and maintenance savings, the LED lighting provides a much more safe working environment for the workers and much more appealing. “My warehouse employees really like the LED style of lighting not only because it is clean and bright but because the light is where it needs to be… on their work.” – Jerry Witte, CFO, Fabiano Brothers

The partnership with Fabiano Brothers and Electro-Matic Visual made this outstanding high bay LED lighting upgrade happen. This impressive facility is now able to function at a higher efficiency while improving the productivity of their workers and making the environment they work in more safe.

More to come: look for more on Fabiano Brothers LED parking lot lighting, LED office lighting, and exterior LED lighting!
If you would like to learn more about LED Lighting and how it can save you money try our ROI calculator or visit our website: visual.electro-matic.com

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Topics: LED Technology, Going Green, Electro-Matic LED, Electro-Matic Sign News, High Bay Lighting, LED Lighting, News

LED Wall Packs Increase Visibility and Security While Reducing Energy Consumption at Fabiano Brothers

Posted by Electro-Matic on Oct 24, 2022 4:08:00 PM
Fabiano Brothers is constantly moving beverages in and out of their facility. Proper lighting not only on the inside was needed, but the importance of having their loading docks equipped with quality LED lighting wall packs was necessary to have their hundreds of trucks load and unload safely throughout each day.
Backing in a 18-wheeler to a tight area with precision can be daunting for semi-truck drivers. Doing it with poor lighting turns that task into a nightmare. Understanding of their semi-truck drives challenges, Fabiano Brothers decided that implementing LED wall packs to help guide the drivers into the loading docks. The optic throw that the LEDs use pitches the light forward off the wall and on to the desired area to help make the path to the loading dock visible for the drivers.
Wall packs were not just used for the loading dock, they also fit the needs for other applications around the high bay doors that the semi-trucks would enter and exit for picking up shipments. The wall packs acts as a guide light for the drivers, giving them visibility when entering or existing the doors.
After business hours, wall packs are and good lighting in general, are necessary for providing good security. Security cameras that are placed outside of the building would be irrelevant without good lighting. By strategically pitching the light, the wall packs create enough light for security cameras to record at high qualities.
If you would like to learn more about LED Lighting and how it can save you money try our ROI calculator or visit our website: visual.electro-matic.com

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Topics: LED Technology, Going Green, Electro-Matic LED, Electro-Matic Sign News, LED Lighting, LED Parking Lot Lighting, News

Namdar Realty Group saves millions after LED Lighting Upgrade

Posted by Electro-Matic on Oct 10, 2022 4:20:00 PM
Namdar Realty Group is a privately held, commercial real estate investment firm, owning and managing over 35 million square feet of commercial real estate throughout the United States. The Citadel enclosed shopping mall, pictured above, is one of Namdar's properties in Colorado Springs that hosts a wide variety of specialty boutiques, department stores and appetizing eateries for the whole family. Located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, it’s also a great place for enjoying a mountain peak backdrop from the parking lot.
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Topics: Going Green, Electro-Matic Sign News, LED Lighting, LED Parking Lot Lighting, News, Parking Lots and Structures, Property Management, Shopping Malls

Fabiano Brothers Reduces Energy Consumption and Increases Productivity with LED Lighting

Posted by Electro-Matic on Sep 13, 2022 4:24:00 PM
Fabiano Brothers decided that they wanted to convert their office lighting to LED lighting like the rest of their facility is equipped with. They knew that the savings benefits of LED lighting were significant, but they also were attracted to other benefits of LED lighting too. Electro-Matic Visual was able to supply the LED panel lights that are virtually maintenance-free and are designed to provide
employees with higher energy levels.
The LED panel lights were adjusted to accommodate the worker's environment. Correct lighting where employees are present has been proven to provide them with higher energy levels to help them stay focused, be more positive, and more productive.

“The LED lights are much less expensive to operate, are a whiter light that gives our facility a more state of the art appearance, and have been very well received by our employees from a functional standpoint.” - John M. Bicknell II, COO, Fabiano Brothers, Inc.
Calculate Your LED Lighting ROI
LED Wall Packs Increase Visibility and Security While Reducing Energy Consumption
The LED panel lights are ideal for these spaces because of their ability to not only produce efficient light but also consistent light. Traditional fluorescent light can not be projected in a particular direction, where LEDs can. Having a consistent light throughout a given area gives a room more visibility and virtually no dead spots. Click this link for more on the Fabiano project.  
Fabiano Brothers are constantly moving beverages in and out of their facility. Proper lighting not only on the inside was needed, but the importance of having their loading docks equipped with quality LED lighting wall packs was necessary to have their hundreds of trucks load and unload safely throughout each day.
Backing in an 18-wheeler to a tight area with precision can be daunting for semi-truck drivers. Doing it with poor lighting turns that task into a nightmare. Understanding their semi-truck drives challenges, Fabiano Brothers decided to implement LED wall packs to help guide the drivers into the loading docks. The optic throw that the LEDs use pitches the light forward off the wall and onto the desired area to help make the path to the loading dock visible for the drivers.
Wall packs were not just used for the loading dock, they also fit the needs for other applications around the high bay doors that the semi-trucks would enter and exit for picking up shipments. The wall packs act as a guiding light for the drivers, giving them visibility when entering or exiting the doors.
After business hours, wall packs are and good lighting in general, are necessary for providing good security. Security cameras that are placed outside of the building would be irrelevant without good lighting. By strategically pitching the light, the wall packs create enough light for security cameras to record high quality.

Fabiano Brothers Installs 250 LED High Bay Lights to Improve Facility

Fabiano Brothers of Bay City, MI is a premier beverage distributor providing licensed accounts beverages throughout Michigan as well as central Wisconsin. This 100,000 square foot is located in Bay City, Michigan includes beer storage space, receiving area, larger recycling center, and offices. Fabiano Brothers wanted to implement an efficient light source throughout their whole facility to increase security, reduce operating costs, and improve working conditions. Electro-Matic Visual was up for the task.

Electro-Matic Visual supplied the 250 indoor LED high bay lighting throughout the Fabiano Brothers facility. The high-quality LED lighting fixtures and bulbs ensure for a long life period of over 100,000 hours to reduce maintenance costs, increase safety and increase energy savings.

“The LED lighting is certainly an improvement in the quality of light. We were able to realize $34,000 in savings on our overall electric bill for the less than full year that we had the LED lights and this takes into account any rate increase from the utility supplier.” – Jerry Witte, CFO, Fabiano Brothers

Not only does Fabiano Brothers see energy savings and maintenance savings, but the LED lighting also provides a much more safe working environment for the workers and is much more appealing. “My warehouse employees really like the LED style of lighting not only because it is clean and bright but because the light is where it needs to be… on their work.” – Jerry Witte, CFO, Fabiano Brothers
The partnership with Fabiano Brothers and Electro-Matic Visual made this outstanding high bay LED lighting upgrade to happen. This impressive facility is now able to function at a higher efficiency while improving the productivity of their workers and making the environment they work in safer.
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Topics: LED Technology, Going Green, Electro-Matic LED, Electro-Matic Sign News, LED Lighting, LED Parking Lot Lighting, News

Wise Men Distillery Showcase new Eye-catching LED Display

Posted by Electro-Matic on Sep 12, 2022 4:35:40 PM

Wise Men Distillery started with three friends, a dream, and a passion for quality spirits. Taking that passion, the three started experimenting with a 100-gallon still. After painstakingly numerous tastes and tinkering, they produced a moonshine that was not only drinkable, but enjoyable. They quickly realized that the key to a crafting a great tasting spirit is to start with real, pure ingredients and to find each spirit’s sweet spot through a custom distillation method that leaves you with an exceptionally smooth, flavorful spirit.

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Topics: Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Plant Management, LED Displays

Vue LED Cloud Management Software by Electro-Matic

Posted by Electro-Matic on Sep 12, 2022 2:49:13 PM

VUE software by Electro-Matic is an online cloud-based software program compatible with all operating systems for anything including electronic message centers, to LED video walls, televisions, menu boards, digital billboards, and more. This new software contains countless features that are all extremely user-friendly.

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Topics: Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Plant Management, LED Displays

What is a Process Timer and How is it Useful in Manufacturing?

Posted by Electro-Matic on Aug 17, 2022 8:30:00 AM

LED Industrial Clocks & Counters

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Topics: Plant Management, LED Displays

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