Electro-Matic Visual Blog

Brighton Chamber of Commerce Installs Full Color LED Display from Electro-Matic

Posted by Jesse Cameron on Jul 11, 2016 3:04:28 PM
The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce has a main promise and that is to promote opportunities for a promising business community. The Brighton area hold a high standard for its recreational areas, shopping, dining and natural resources.  Creating awareness,
strengthening, referring and connecting its members is a dynamic focus. Electro-Matic is proud to help The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce with their challenges and provide  them a double-sided, full color, LED message center. 
With the abundance of traffic, including foot traffic, The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce is able to draw attention, inform, build rapport and see results with their LED sign from Electro-Matic. 
"We were very pleased with how The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce and Electro-Matic Visual to make this sign come alive. We are also happy to see them using their sign to its full potential by using our custom content, it really creates an attractive look."  -Jason Sluyter, Electro-Matic Visual
"Our digital sign has been a fantastic tool for us. This is a great way to advertise our events and other messages to the community in a colorful way that gets attention. Also, being able to offer space on our sign to potential sponsors has been huge. Who doesn't want their logo on a big screen next to a busy street? Our new sign has been awesome for us, and we are so happy to have it!" -Jen Ling, The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce
Electro-Matic and The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce were able to team up and create custom content for their sign (shown above). Using custom content can make your sign more appealing, exciting, and it will have the ability to push through the clutter. The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce has taken advantage of this opportunity. 
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Topics: LED Technology, Electro-Matic LED, Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Electro-Matic Sign News, News

Electro-Matic Visual Installs Two New LED Displays at the Premier Event Center in Mid-Michigan

Posted by Amy Sorkin on Jul 11, 2016 2:36:54 PM
The Birch Run Expo Center is an entertainment and trade facility located along I-75 in Birch Run, Michigan. When they were ready to upgrade their fifteen year old, monochrome amber LED Sign, Electro-Matic Visual helped them make it happen.
This entertainment venue received two new LED Displays from Electro-Matic Visual. The full color, single-sided LED Sign, is anchored at the entrance to the venue, and the new full-color double-sided LED Display can be seen while driving north or southbound on I-75.
"Electro-Matic LED Displays are designed & packaged as well as any we've worked with.  The fact, that they are Michigan Made makes it an easy decision to partner with them on EMC projects.  We've been working Birch Run Expo Center for many years.  When they asked us to upgrade to full color, we knew Electro-Matic was the right choice!"   Steve Jordan - President - Barrett Signs
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Topics: LED Technology, Electro-Matic LED, Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Electro-Matic Sign News, News

Manufacturing in America Event Scores High at Ford Field!

Posted by Amy Sorkin on Jul 11, 2016 10:04:53 AM
The 10th Annual Manufacturing in America event showcased over 60 exhibitors and 100 seminars in Detroit last month. Electro-Matic and Siemens partnered on this two day event once again, successfully bringing in over 2,300 attendees to Ford Field.
Presentations varied from specific information about products and technological upgrades, to energy conservation and upgrades within facilities. A few highlights in addition to the LED (Lighting Energy and Displays) Pavillion, included presentations from:
PACE Equity:  Bob Mattler spoke about the upcoming boom of full turn-key Property Assessed Clean Energy, (PACE), and the ability to use this type of financing as a stimulus for building long term savings and economic growth for larger businesses.

Michigan Saves:   Mary Templeton, Executive Director, talked about the non-profit that finances improvements with smaller loans and smaller rates for all efficiency upgrades that saves energy on smaller projects that cannot be associated with PACE.
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Topics: LED Technology, Going Green, Industrial Automation, Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Electro-Matic Sign News, News

Electro-Matic Visual Installs Two LED Displays in the Town of Dover, New Jersey

Posted by Amy Sorkin on Jul 11, 2016 9:03:05 AM
Electro-Matic Visual recently helped the Town of Dover, New Jersey upgrade their technology with two new LED Displays. This town is well known for honoring their history and traditions, but have been excited to break new ground and continue with growing the community and making it a better place to live.
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Topics: LED Technology, Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Electro-Matic Sign News, News

3 Considerations for Your Parking Lot Lighting Control Upgrade

Posted by Electro-Matic on Jul 7, 2016 6:00:00 AM

Many current outdooor parking lot lighting systems are outdated. If you are running High-Pressure Sodium lights in your parking lot, that is a definite sign that your system is outdated, which means that you're most likely overspending on electricity and possibly lack lighting controls that could be saving you money.

By now, it’s widely accepted the LED lights have better color, lifetime and efficiency than older High-Pressure Sodium lights. LEDs have  are used for most lighting of parking lots today. If you have a lot that needs an overhaul consider making the switch to LEDs with a parking lot lighting control upgrade to save money on energy costs.

Not sure what to look for in your new system? Consider these features for your new lights and parking lot lighting control upgrade.

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Topics: Commercial Lighting, LED Lighting

6 Energy Efficient Ideas for Car Dealerships

Posted by Electro-Matic on Jun 30, 2016 6:00:00 AM

Car dealerships use more energy per square foot on average than a typical office building does. Despite this, there are cost effective opportunities that exist to substantially reduce energy usage for lighting, heating and air, and other necessary services while maintaining quality lighting, safety, and customer comfort in your car dealership.

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Topics: Going Green, LED Lighting

5 Ways to Increase Profit Margins for Sign Companies

Posted by Electro-Matic on Jun 27, 2016 6:00:00 AM

Most sign company owners think the only way to make more money is increase sales. While increasing sales should put more money in your pocket, increasing profit margins is just as important. If you're searious about making more money, here are 5 key ways to increase profit margins for sign companies.

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Topics: Business and Marketing, Sign Companies, LED Displays

How to Prove Digital Signage ROI

Posted by Electro-Matic on Jun 23, 2016 12:00:00 AM

Adding Value to Your Business with Digital Signage

Today’s LED signage solutions offer a sophisticated bridge of communication between your business and your customers. For sign companies, pitching the increased ROI of LED signs that accompanies up-sell opportunities, reduced materials costs and many other benefits is quickly becoming standard.

So how do you prove digital signage ROI to your prospects or your boss? We have the answer.

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Topics: Business and Marketing, Sign Companies, LED Displays

10 Ways to Cut Costs for Car Dealerships

Posted by Electro-Matic on Jun 16, 2016 6:00:00 AM

Owning a car dealership is definitely on the “difficult” end of the “ease of owning a business” scale. Keeping up with current industry trends, conducting business with different brands, and managing regular business operations all contribute to a less-than-ideal workload. Another major aspect of managing a car dealership is regulating business expenses - definitely not a detail to be overlooked. You can do things like spend less by buying in bulk or cut expenses by auditing your current energy use. While it may seem almost impossible to keep within your budget at the moment, follow these 10 steps to minimize expenses and cut costs for your car dealership.

1. Use Social Media

In order to reduce the cost of traditional advertising (i.e. radio ads, TV commercials, etc.) create and

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Topics: Business and Marketing, Going Green, LED Lighting

How Digital Billboards Enhance Outdoor Advertising

Posted by Electro-Matic on Jun 13, 2016 6:00:00 AM

Drive down almost any highway in The U.S. and you will eventually see an electronic display sign. Whether they’re on the roadside warning of upcoming construction, road closure, or high in the air, outdoor messaging displays are everywhere. But the digital billboard advertising of today has come a long way since the very first outdoor LED displays.

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Topics: Business and Marketing, Sign Companies, LED Displays

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