To create a sustainable workplace, organizations need to respect and understand how their operations have impacted the environment in the past, present and could impact it in the future. Maintaining a sustainable workplace can be simpler that you might suspect. Start with small changes and create habits for your employees follow. Implementing a sustainable workplace can have major perks. Not only your workplace will have a newfound confidence of contributing to a “green” environment, your company or organization can build recognition and respect for itself—making the effort to respect the environment through your workplace efforts is a great opportunity for positive PR. Take a look at six ways you can create a sustainable workplace environment.
Buildings or facilities that are 10 years or older likely have lighting that’s outdated and costing a lot of money in energy bills. Outdoor lighting—like parking lot lighting—was once considered a low priority, and only thought of to enhance the appearance of a parking lot, a building, or cars outside of a dealership. This is still a popular option with lighting, but what is becoming more important to lighting designers is lighting for safety and security. Read the tips below to know what to expect when it comes to evaluating your parking lot lighting
Topics: Commercial Lighting, LED Lighting
5 Lighting Retrofit Solutions Provided By Energy Savings Companies
In order for energy-savings companies to offer clients recommended energy-efficient measures, they must first have a basis of research for their recommendations. Follow this simple 10-step process to offer clients solid retrofit solutions.
Topics: LED Lighting
Let’s face it; at one point or another, your TV-watching experience has unfortunately been interrupted by a low-budget local car dealership commercial featuring some owner yelling special deals at a rate so fast that it’s hard to process. Needless to say, these types of advertisements aren’t very effective; if anything, advertisements like that put their dealership on your list of places to avoid.
Luckily, there are some marketing ideas that have proven to be effective for car dealerships all over the country that outperform the traditional radio and TV advertisements (and often cost much less!). Read more to find out about 12 car dealership marketing ideas to try.
Topics: Business and Marketing, LED Lighting
3 Considerations for Your Parking Lot Lighting Control Upgrade
Many current outdooor parking lot lighting systems are outdated. If you are running High-Pressure Sodium lights in your parking lot, that is a definite sign that your system is outdated, which means that you're most likely overspending on electricity and possibly lack lighting controls that could be saving you money.
By now, it’s widely accepted the LED lights have better color, lifetime and efficiency than older High-Pressure Sodium lights. LEDs have are used for most lighting of parking lots today. If you have a lot that needs an overhaul consider making the switch to LEDs with a parking lot lighting control upgrade to save money on energy costs.
Not sure what to look for in your new system? Consider these features for your new lights and parking lot lighting control upgrade.
Topics: Commercial Lighting, LED Lighting
Car dealerships use more energy per square foot on average than a typical office building does. Despite this, there are cost effective opportunities that exist to substantially reduce energy usage for lighting, heating and air, and other necessary services while maintaining quality lighting, safety, and customer comfort in your car dealership.
Topics: Going Green, LED Lighting
Owning a car dealership is definitely on the “difficult” end of the “ease of owning a business” scale. Keeping up with current industry trends, conducting business with different brands, and managing regular business operations all contribute to a less-than-ideal workload. Another major aspect of managing a car dealership is regulating business expenses - definitely not a detail to be overlooked. You can do things like spend less by buying in bulk or cut expenses by auditing your current energy use. While it may seem almost impossible to keep within your budget at the moment, follow these 10 steps to minimize expenses and cut costs for your car dealership.
1. Use Social Media
In order to reduce the cost of traditional advertising (i.e. radio ads, TV commercials, etc.) create and
Topics: Business and Marketing, Going Green, LED Lighting
Lighting Design Ideas to Improve Car Dealership Curb Appeal
The benefits of a well-lit exterior are not at all a mystery. Serving as a deterrent to crime and injury prevention, in addition to offering better visibility and reduced liability, exterior lighting isn’t something most businesses go without. However, you need to provide something more than just bare minimum lighting if you want customers to be able to evaluate your product in effective and desirable light.
This is where parking lot lighting becomes a necessity in enhancing curb appeal for your car dealership.
Topics: Commercial Lighting, LED Lighting
How to Upgrade to New LED Parking Lot Lights for Free
Get New LED Lighting Parking Lot Fixtures For Free! When I hear claims like this sometimes I read them just to find out what’s the catch? In this case, believe it or not there is no catch. In fact the retrofit to LED parking lot lighting is better than free and will actually pay you to do this with a positive cash flow from Day One in most scenarios. Too good to be true? How can this be? Let’s do some real analysis with some real world scenarios and see what kind of results you can get by replacing your existing HID parking lot lighting with LED parking lot lighting.
Topics: Commercial Lighting, LED Lighting
Energy costs are second highest cost in schools' budgets, following personnel costs. With energy costs taking up such a large portion of a school’s budget, it is sensible to upgrade to more energy efficient practices and products. That’s easier said than done, though—where will the funding come from to support these energy efficient upgrades for schools? Despite the long-term savings, and higher quality of school that would result from energy efficient upgrades, it’s challenging for these projects to be approved. Either taxpayers don’t want to pay for the high upfront costs, or there isn’t room in the school’s budget to start the project.
Topics: Going Green, LED Lighting