Michigan Saves: Mary Templeton, Executive Director, talked about the non-profit that finances improvements with smaller loans and smaller rates for all efficiency upgrades that saves energy on smaller projects that cannot be associated with PACE.
Manufacturing in America Event Scores High at Ford Field!
Michigan Saves: Mary Templeton, Executive Director, talked about the non-profit that finances improvements with smaller loans and smaller rates for all efficiency upgrades that saves energy on smaller projects that cannot be associated with PACE.
Topics: LED Technology, Going Green, Industrial Automation, Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Electro-Matic Sign News, News
Electro-Matic Visual Installs Two LED Displays in the Town of Dover, New Jersey
Topics: LED Technology, Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Electro-Matic Sign News, News
If you're thinking about purchasing an LED display, you likely have some questions about what problems you'll have to deal with in case something goes wrong with your LED display. Or maybe you have an LED display, and you're trying to troubleshoot an issue. Either way, read on to understand the issues, severity of the issue, and solutions to LED display faults in this LED display troubleshooting guide.
Topics: LED Technology, LED Displays
How LED Wireless Lighting Will Reduce Your Operating Expenses
LED Lighting is becoming more popular for auto dealers, manufacturing plants, gas stations, and municipalities. Why? LED Lighting will increase safety, visibility, security and reduce operating cost, all while being virtually no maintenance.
Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting
How to Solve America’s Energy Crisis by Using LED Lighting
Today, our nation is facing the urgent challenges of revitalizing our economy, strengthening our energy security, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Like most people I know, I have tried to do my small part to break down those challenges. I recycle/re-purpose as much as possible and work hard at my job so I can pay my bills, provide a home for my family, and save for my daughter’s education and my golden years. Sometimes, I may even have a little bit left over to have some fun — I try to spend the extra bucks locally.
Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting
Simple LED Sign Programming Tips: Understanding RGB Color Choices
This blog post will be the first in a multi-part series to teach you how to easily and effectively program content for your electronic message center (EMC). Whether your display is a single color, or a full-color LED sign, you can use this series of blog posts as your reference guide to keep your EMC looking its best. These tips and tricks will help you to maximize your ROI and keep the attention of your audience as they’re drawn to your professional and attractive digital artwork.
Topics: LED Technology, LED Displays
L.A. at the Forefront of Municipal LED Streetlight Retrofitting
While acknowledging the good that comes from having light everywhere for commercial and safety reasons, we must also acknowldge the damage that results from decades spent lighting up the night sky, such as immense electricity budgets, confused wildlife, and, of course, decreased star visibility. Paul Bogard, author of "The End of the Night", which focuses on the world's unchecked light pollution, comments on this decreased visibility, noting that "what was once a most common human experience has become most rare."
Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting
LED Lights Break Into College & Professional Facilities
As a multi-billion dollar industry, college and professional sports have become more than just a hobby to many Americans but an actual destination. As thousands of people pour into stadiums around the country each week, most don’t realize the cost of maintaining such a high-profile industry. Operational costs range well into the tens of thousands each day just to provide a well-lit facility. Recently, many professional and college organizations have made the leap into the LED lighting family as a means to try and trim their operating budgets.
Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting
A city using conventional street lighting can experience many issues and waste millions on energy and maintenance costs. Conventional lighting has a short lifespan and can go unrepaired if the city has a limited amount of money and staff. Detroit has been experiencing a streetlight epidemic for years, leaving many residents living in the dark at night. With the implementation of LED lighting, Detroit can solve their lighting dilemma, and transition out of the darkness.
Topics: LED Technology, LED Lighting
Topics: LED Technology, Business and Marketing, Choosing a Sign, Electro-Matic Sign News, LED Displays