An Outdoor LED digital sign is usually a significant investment for an operating business and selecting the proper manufacturer is important for the end-user of this sign to get the proper return on their investment (ROI). These signs range in price from around $10,000 dollars for a monochrome (single-color) LED monument sign to in excess of $100,000 for a large full color LED pylon sign. Choosing the proper LED electronic message center manufacturer can lead to an aesthetically pleasing sign that will operate flawlessly for the next 10 – 15 years and deliver impressive returns on investment.
Key points to consider when specifying a manufacturer of LED based Electronic Message Centers
Topics: Choosing a Sign, Signs for Small Businesses, LED Displays
As a business owner, it can be hard to efficiently allocate your spending so your business sees an adequate return on investment. Having an LED sign can bring in more consumers or clients and build brand awareness, but it can also be an investment that your business isn’t ready for. The good news is that financing an LED sign has never been easier. It allows you to pay or “rent” your LED sign monthly so it’s not one bulk purchase. There are many other benefits to financing or leasing your LED sign.
Topics: Choosing a Sign, Signs for Small Businesses, LED Displays
LED signs are used more frequently today because of their ability to generate awareness and attract attention to businesses. You may have been thinking that all LED signs are the same, however, there are many different aspects to LED signs and each measure has to be correct to make the sign readable and effective. An LED sign is a big purchase and it is important to acquire the correct size so it generates a positive return on investment for your company. This LED sign resolution guide will help you to find the perfect sign to meet your needs.
Topics: Choosing a Sign, LED Displays
Electronic signs vary a great deal and there are many noticeable and visually appealing options to choose from. Whether you are upgrading to a new LED sign, or simply updating the content on your current one, it is imperative to consider the location of your LED to determine the best type of content including text size, fonts, colors, etc. that will be the most beneficial to your application.
When a company or an organization is considering to upgrade their current, or non existent signage, it can quickly become overwhelming to take in all of the things to consider. A lot goes into finding the perfect signage for your application, so it is important to get help from a trusted professional with insight on everything from pricing, sizing, programming, maintenance, capabilities, and color options.
Tips for Purchasing Outdoor Signage for your Business
What to Know Before Purchasing an LED Sign
When people are looking to buy a product today the first place they go is online. Most of the time you can find something similar for a lower price but is that always the best. Below are some tips you want to look for when buying an Electronic message center. Below is a list of 10 things to consider.
Topics: LED Technology, Electro-Matic LED, Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Signs for Small Businesses, Schools and Universities
Pro Care Auto is an Automotive Services small business. The owner, Greg Jarossy, contacted Electro-Matic in January of 2018. They were moving to a new property and had an old, mono electronic message center that had failed. He wanted to replace and upgrade to full color, then take his sign along with him and make the upgrade once the property closed.
Technical Situation/Analysis
Electro-Matic was able to find the sign on Google Maps to get a feel for the structure and overall design of the sign. We were able to easily recommend 2’ x 8’ m/s both at 11 mm & 16 mm for Greg’s review. We also recommended he trade places with the EMC going to the ID cabinet space, and the ID to the EMC space. This would provide him with a bigger EMC allowing him more space for his variable messages and graphic options.
We were able to position ourselves as an asset for Greg as he reviewed both EMV and our Fusion product against some other options. He relayed that we were at the head of the pack. The project took just over a year from the first contact to close, which is a very consistent time period for a retail opportunity.
“We love it. Easy to program as well. Plus...your customer service is top-notch!”
– Greg Jarossy, Owner of Pro Auto Care
Topics: Going Green, Electro-Matic Sign News, LED Lighting, News
Chapin's Banquets Utilizes New LED Electronic Message Center
Located in Minooka, Illinois, Chapin's Banquets and Catering is a beautiful banquet hall perfect for hosting a variety of events including weddings, receptions, fundraisers, birthdays, bridal and baby showers, rehearsal dinners, business meetings, holiday parties, graduation parties, sport banquets, off-site caterings and much more. On top of the banquet hall they have an exquisite full-service restaurant called Twin Rail Pub.
Chapin's Banquets found themselves in a predicament when water began to leak into their electronic message center which caused all sorts of troubleshoot problems. The overseas vendor they purchased the sign from years ago was not delivering adequate customer service in regards to providing new parts to replace those with water damage, or any other assistance for that matter. Chapin's wanted a new EMC from a company they could depend on. It was then they reached out to Electro-Matic Visual for some help. With Twin Rail Pub being on the back side of the building many people don’t know that it is.
When presented with the project, EM Visual knew the first step was to find a size to fit, and type of resolution that would best fit the needs of this application. The Electro-Matic demo trailer made it easy to present the owner with both an 11mm and 16mm option.
Solution: After the demo the customer had decided that he only needed a 16mm full color based on his location. With the customer up on a hill and the cars below the 16mm was the best option while keeping price in mind. Once that was decided Visions Signs took care of all installation and permitting.
Benefits: With the new 16mm fusion message center Chapin’s and Twin Rail Pub with now have full exposure to promote their events. Chapin’s will use the message center as a way to advertise their services, but also advertise what event is going on. As far as Twin Rail Pub they now will gain street exposure and use this to promote food and beverage specials.
List products and services EM used:
16mm 60x144 LED Display.
External companies that helped on the project or solution and their services provided:
Visions Signs was the sign company that sold and installed the project.
Topics: Going Green, Electro-Matic Sign News, LED Lighting, News
Since the evolution of LED technology, LED products are becoming increasingly popular. As a crucial part of advertisement and mass communication, LED displays are significant to the modern world’s business.
Topics: LED Technology, Electro-Matic LED, Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Signs for Small Businesses, Schools and Universities
While being a standard component for any property, lighting is one of the most substantial aspects of a hotel’s design. Hotel lighting can indeed “make or break” a space.
Topics: LED Technology, Electro-Matic LED, Electro-Matic Visual Solutions, Signs for Small Businesses, Schools and Universities