Electro-Matic Visual Blog

Pfeiffer Used Car Lot Transitions From Dim Metal Halide to Brighter LED Parking Lot Lights

Posted by Jesse Cameron on Jun 14, 2017 9:51:55 AM
The Dan Pfeiffer Automotive Group has several different locations throughout the Grand Rapids, MI area. The result from having so many different locations is a lot of selections of great cars, but also a lot of area to light during the after hours. Pfeiffer Used Cars & Quick Lane Auto Center was searching for a more efficient way to increase their lighting levels in their lot, that resides directly off of Highway 131. Electro-Matic Visual stepped in to help provide a solution. 

After the lighting audit was determined, Electro-Matic Visual and Appearance Products worked together with Pfeiffer Used Cars & Quick Lane Auto Center to complete the installation process. “Working with EM visual has been great for our LED lighting division. I rely on them to do site surveys, photometric layouts, and recommending the best product so all I need to worry about is selling the job and handling installation. And since their products are made in Michigan I know my customer is getting the maximum rebate possible.” – Ryan DeHoog, General Manager, Appearance Products.

Electro-Matic Visual and Appearance Products are happy to see that not only did Pfeiffer Used Cars & Quick Lane Auto Center receive a maximum rebate possible by buying a Michigan made product, but they are also reducing their energy savings by over a third. All 83 fixtures were swapped out from metal halide lights to Electro-Matic Visual’s LED parking lot lights for optimal savings and efficiency.

Pfeiffer Used Car & Quick Lane Auto Center will continue to see energy savings throughout their estimated life time of over 100,000 hours and with virtually zero maintenance costs, their LED lights for their parking lot seem to be the perfect solution.
If you would like to learn more about LED Lighting and how it can save you money try our ROI calculator or visit our website: visual.electro-matic.com

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Topics: LED Technology, Going Green, Electro-Matic LED, Electro-Matic Sign News, LED Lighting, LED Parking Lot Lighting, News

7 Call-to-Action Messages for LED Business Signs

Posted by Alan Nicholson on Jun 13, 2017 11:04:00 PM

Signage is a great way to get your message out to potential customers. It is slightly more challenging to figure out how to get potential customers to act. LED Business Signs are used as electronic message centers that can quickly adjust to your most important message, making the your effort a little bit more effective.

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Topics: LED Displays

5 Tools for Your ESCO Energy Efficiency Audits

Posted by Emily Serio on Jun 8, 2017 2:00:00 PM

There are many things that can be focused on when performing an energy efficiency audit. To perform a comprehensive energy audit all aspects of a building should be taken into consideration. Factors such as insulation, water usage, heating and cooling efficiencies and lighting are just a few of them. Today I will focus on performing a lighting audit.

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Topics: LED Lighting

10 Questions to Ask Before a Commercial Lighting Retrofit

Posted by Alicia Martinez on Jun 1, 2017 2:00:00 PM

A major lighting upgrade can have obvious benefits, but still warrants a small amount of analysis before committing to the upgrade. Before a commercial lighting retrofit or upgrade, ask yourself the following 10 questions to give you some metrics of success of the upgrade.

What Is the Purpose and Condition of the Current Lighting?

A general walk through your site and taking some notes is a great start to the process. Each area may have different purposes as well as OSHA requirements

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Topics: LED Lighting

10 Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Posted by Billy Brookhart on May 23, 2017 2:00:00 PM

Every small business has hit a point of stagnation, where you decided to explore the options to expand their market. Whether or not this is your current situation, here are 10 marketing ideas for small business.

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Topics: LED Displays

Burnips Equipment Co. Utilizes LED Sign for New Location in Dorr, MI

Posted by Jesse Cameron on May 16, 2017 2:33:13 PM
Burnips Equipment Co. has five different locations throughout the state of Michigan. Their newest store home of Dorr, MI has an extensive line of products that customers can buy new, used or rent. Their new opening and deep line of product offerings and options, makes implementing an LED sign complementary to their business.
Praise Sign Company, Burnips Equipment Co. and Electro-Matic Visual collaborated to make this great LED display application happen. " It has been a great experience working with Alan the West Michigan rep for Electro-Matic visual. A great big thank you for all the help you've provided for this Burnips project. Without you this would not have been so successful. Your products, service, and followthrough are top notch." - Robert Prindle, Praise Sign Company

With their newly installed LED sign they are able to inform passing traffic about their newest products that they just got in and are running a limited time special. Passing by Burnips Equipment you may not be able to tell that they offer rental equipment. With their new LED display they can make it known they do offer rental equipment, so you don’t have to buy equipment for a one-time job.

Purchasing a new tractor is like buying a car. It can be expensive, but you have options and just like a car you can buy it new or used and have financing available. Burnips now has the flexibility to advertise their financing options on their LED display. This will help them give exposure to the numerous options available to customers when buying new products at Burnips.
If you would like to build your own LED sign try out our custom LED sign builder at:  visual.electro-matic.com
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Topics: LED Technology, Electro-Matic LED, Signs for Small Businesses, Electro-Matic Sign News, News

Front Street Insurance Agency Takes Advantage of Location With Installing An LED Message Center

Posted by Jesse Cameron on Apr 10, 2017 3:05:31 PM
Front Street Insurance of Traverse City, MI was looking for a creative way to take advantage of being well traveled street just blocks from downtown Traverse City, MI. Front Street Insurance and Andrew Kohlmann, owner of Image360 of Traverse City, they concluded that an LED message center from Electro-Matic Visual would be best for this application because of the slow moving, high volume, traffic passing by and Electro-Matic Visual’s dependable tech support and training team.

“Electro-Matic Visual’s tech support team dealt directly with our end user and was able to have a person on-site to make installation and training go very smoothly for all involved.”- Andrew Kohlmann, Owner, Image360 Traverse City

Front Street Insurance and Image360 evaluated many different options and specs before deciding to install the full color, high-resolution 10mm LED display. The reasoning to go with a high-resolution display was for a several different reasons. The first being is that it looks outstanding, even when you are close to the display. The second is because with the slow moving traffic, passing viewers will be able to read it clearer than a lower resolution display. And third, the full color high-resolution display draws the attention to the business and sign, acting like a personal billboard for their business.
Electro-Matic Visual is happy to see Front Street Insurance having success with their new full color, high-resolution LED display and taking advantage of their location to communicate to the slow moving high traffic street!

If you would like to build your own LED sign try out our custom LED sign builder at:  visual.electro-matic.com
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Topics: LED Technology, Electro-Matic LED, Signs for Small Businesses, Electro-Matic Sign News, News

The Dow Event Center Upgrades Their Outdoor Lighting to LED

Posted by Jesse Cameron on Mar 15, 2017 2:49:47 PM
The Dow Event Center, owned by Southern Management Group (SMG), most known in the community of Saginaw, MI, where it resides. The Dow Event Center is home to the Saginaw Spirit Hockey Team of the OHL, but also host numerous concerts, theater performances, and other events. Capable of hosting and providing necessary accommodations, the Dow Event Center is a complete facility. If there was anything holding The Dow Event Center back it was their outdoor lighting.

Tyler Abbs, of The Dow Event Center, decided to work along with Electro-Matic Visual to tackle their outdoor lighting situation. Electro-Matic Visual was able to supply Abbs and SMG with the proper LED lighting for The Dow Event Center.

“Ben Riedel and Electro-Matic Visual had the knowledge of picking the correct solution for our situation, that had plenty of variables, and they were spot on” – Tyler Abbs, Facilities Manager, The Dow Event Center

Making the process simple, effective and accurate was crucial for Abbs to implement LED lighting and stating “the photometrics and the energy audit that was taken was 99% accurate from what I have seen so far and after the lights were installed they were about 20% brighter than what I was anticipating”.

One of the problems they had was guests did not feel like it was a safe environment to take their children to because the lighting was poor. With the installation of LED Lighting The Dow Event Center was able to increase their lighting to achieve the goal of making guests feel welcome and safe.

“Our guests visiting The Dow have complemented the lights and how it has made them feel safe and how they feel comfortable bringing their kids with them.” –Tyler Abbs, Facilities Manager, The Dow Event Center.
If you would like to learn more about LED Lighting and how it can save you money try our ROI calculator or visit our website: visual.electro-matic.com
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Topics: Electro-Matic Sign News, News

The City of Royal Oak Uses LED Displays to Benefit Residents and Guests

Posted by Jesse Cameron on Mar 15, 2017 2:42:40 PM


Everyone knows that the simple things in life can go a long way. Informing passing drivers the amount of room left in a parking structure can save a lot of headache for residents and people visiting a city. Royal Oak is a popular destination in the Metro Detroit area for shopping, dining, and entertainment. It is often very busy during the weekends, which makes parking hard to find. Having an up to date count on parking spots available can eliminate bad experiences and frustration so people can start their visit out on the right foot. 

Greg Rassel is the city manager of Royal Oak looking to improve the community for our residents.

The Situation
The city of Royal Oak was looking for a system to let their residents and guests understand the parking spaces available in the garages within the city.

Technical Situation/Analysis
The city was adding a counting system in three of our garages in hopes to communicate the availability of parking spaces to the residents and guests. However, they needed a solution to display this information on the sides of their structures.

Objective for situation
Royal Oak needed an LED provider to work with Park Rite to communicate the available spaces in the three structures.  

Electro-Matic teamed up with Johnson Sign Company, Park Rite and Royal Oak to implement the solution they desired. Park Rite and Electro-Matic were able to use their technologies in a way to count each car that came in and out of each structure and display that number on each LED Display. This made it easier for the residents and guests to choose available parking spaces.    

The benefits of using this technology allows Royal Oak guests to find parking spaces quickly. In turn, allowing them to spend more time in the downtown area whether it be shopping or dining.   

Having these structures tied to an LED Display keeps the city’s traffic flowing around the downtown area as well as making it easier for our guests and residents to find available parking.     

List products and services Electro-Matic used
The completed projects around the city of Royal Oak included 10mm LED displays throughout six separate parking garages.

What they're saying
“Electro-Matic Visual and Johnson Sign Co. were great to work with and made the project very much enjoyable.” 

– Greg Rassel, Director at the City of Royal Oak
"It was a privilege to partner with the City of Royal Oak on their parking garage sign packages. When it came to implementing Electronic Message Centers with their car count system, we partnered with Electro-Matic Visual. The team at EM Visual did an outstanding job. Their team & engineers were able to custom program their units to allow them to work with their regular software to display custom messages & tie in with the counter system to record the number of spots open in each parking garage on the same display. Electro-Matic Visual made the whole process easy on everyone & we would highly recommend them for this type of application."
– Jim Johnson, Johnson Sign Co. 

“With the implementation of the LED displays we are now able to communicate with the guest and residents of Royal Oak to make their visit or stay less problematic.”
– Greg Rassel, Director of the City of Royal Oak
If you would like to build your own LED sign try out our custom LED sign builder at:  visual.electro-matic.com
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Topics: Electro-Matic Sign News, News

Hunters Square Shopping Center Converts to 130 LED Lighting Fixtures

Posted by Jesse Cameron on Feb 14, 2017 2:34:46 PM
The massive 353,951 square foot shopping center is loaded with name brand restaurants and retail outlets for shopaholics to enjoy themselves at. Located on Orchard Lake Road, in Farmington Hills, MI, this shopping center is on prime real estate. With everyone’s eyes being on Hunters Square Shopping Center, they were in need of lighting to attract and promote a safe, clean, and friendly shopping environment.

Electro-Matic Visual was the right fit for the large shopping center as they provided a combined 130 LED parking lot lights and LED wall pack lights. The LED lighting gives the shopping center the clean, safe, and attractive look and feel they needed. LED lighting makes the perfect fit for all parking lots and shopping centers because of their ability to enhance visibility while drawing less energy. Case studies for similar parking lot applications have been proven to benefit companies willing to make the switch to LED lighting.

If you would like to learn more about LED Lighting and how it can save you money try our ROI calculator or visit our website: visual.electro-matic.com
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Topics: Electro-Matic Sign News, News

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